Greenville Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyer

3 Important Tire Safety Tips from a Greenville Accident Attorney

This may seem obvious, but keeping your vehicle’s tires in optimum shape is critical for safe driving. Unfortunately, far too many drivers neglect their tires, and this directly contributes to serious and sometimes fatal accidents.

Inadequately maintained tires can lead to blowouts and flats, both of which can cause devastating crashes. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are more than 400 fatalities and 10,000 injuries due to tire failure in the United States each year.

In addition to poor tire maintenance, driver negligence is a leading cause of collisions. If you suffered an injury in an accident with a negligent driver, contact the Churdar Law Firm.

Greenville personal-injury lawyer Doug Churdar can investigate your crash and guide you through the claims process. If you have valid grounds for a lawsuit, then you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, health-care bills and other damages. Call us today at 864-233-0203 to schedule a consultation.

In the meantime, read on to learn three important tire maintenance tips:

1. Rotate Your Tires

According to AAA, front and back tires operate at different loads, and they also perform different braking and steering functions. As a result, front and back tires wear unevenly.

If you want to get the most out of your tires, then you should rotate them on a regular basis. Your car owner’s manual should have more information on the ideal time to rotate your tires, but most manufacturers recommend doing so every 5,000 to 7,000 miles.

There are some tires that you should not rotate. These include tires that have specific tread patterns, which are common on performance cars.

2. Check Your Alignment

It is important to check your wheel alignment whenever you fit new tires, or if you notice anything unusual about your car’s handling. Wheel alignment is specific to each vehicle, and you should consult your owner’s manual or contact your manufacturer for information on your specific settings. Alignment is a process that only a certified technician should perform because it is crucial to the safety and performance of your car.

If your tires are not aligned within the specific range, then they will wear unevenly. This may also impact your handling and fuel consumption.

3. Balance Your Tires

If you balance your tires properly, then you will extend their lives and prevent unequal wear. Technicians will place small weights on your car’s tires to reduce vibrations. This will improve handling and make your vehicle safer on the roads.

You should balance your car each time you install new tires and if you notice any unusual vibrations. Even if you remove a tire for something simple like a puncture, it is important to rebalance it.

If you were injured in an accident with a negligent driver, contact the Churdar Law Firm. Doug Churdar is a Greenville accident attorney with the experience to find success in court. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at 864-233-0203.